Sunday, November 8, 2009

The meaning of Veteran's Day...

Last night was Ashton's turn to spend with us. This morning I awoke to a little boy in cute, sports themed winter pajamas crawling in bed with us and patting my arm as he clung to me. (Those are the moments that make everything else in the world seem so unimportant.) After snuggling for a moment, I asked him if he was ready for banana pancakes- his favorite! Those little eyes popped open and I was quickly led to the kitchen to prepare one plate-size monster cake. I only had to call him to the table once and I sat with him while he ate. He announced that Wednesday was a holiday and I asked him if he knew what holiday we were observing. Nope. He just knew there was no school which required an explanation of why we honor all the men and women who have served and are serving in our military and how brave they are and how some gave their lives so we could have the freedoms we have today. I asked him how that made him feel and with a mouth half-ful of pancake he replied, "Well... there's no school so it's probably a great day to play video games."
I think I got through to him.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I'm Doing It!!

So, thanks to my dear friend Heidi, I joined Weight Watchers 3 weeks ago and have had success each week in my journey to shed the pounds. I absolutely LOVE the idea that I can still eat what I want! I'm also venturing out and trying new foods that I would never have put in my shopping cart normally. We've never been big on red meats, but I wanted to incorporate more fish into our diets. Problem? I'm not big on fish.

That being said, I've come up with new recipes to help disguise the taste or aid my palette in being more cooperative. I picked up some frozen Mahi-mahi fillets at Costco (Yes, I do love the Costco!) and decided to get creative. The first meal I prepared I had marinated the fillets, broiled them and topped them off with a mango salsa. I had three bites and realized I needed to get more creative although Fernando devoured his plate.
He loves me.

I needed to come up with something that would have fish lovers and not-so-fish-lovers alike loving the same dish. Enter curry. Curry! It's strong, bold and would be the perfect disguise. I had a ton of veggies waiting to get on our dinner plate so I thought a vegetable curry would be appropriate. I also made steamed rice and sugar snap peas for our sides. Here's the recipe if you'd like to try it. I guessed the amounts for certain things so just eyeball it and feel free to use whatever veggies you prefer- the more the merrier!

(click on photo to enlarge)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend at the Twisted Pine- 2009

We had the opportunity once again to enjoy a weekend at the heavenly Twisted Pine,
all thanks to my very gracious boss. My friend Cathi, her hus
band and two children were also able to join us which made for lots of fun. We brought our doggies and let them do a little exploring, but not too much because of all the recent bear activity in the area. To sum it all up, it was a weekend of laughter, food and fun for humans and dogs alike.

Low tide on Sunday morning offered lots of unexplored territory for me and Chewy!

This was delicious! Cathi brought chicken salad and these little crusty
garlic and herb slices that were amazing in your mouth. Mmm!

This is "Butters", Chewy's new friend!

Well Hello, Ladies.... my little Chewy Papa.

The fog was still a bit thick at 8am, but the exposed sandbars were too inviting to ignore.

Somebody found the mud- it was hilarious!

I found this cannonball jellyfish ( at least 15 inches across) in the middle of the sandbar.
Look at the top of the photo an
d you'll see a trail. Did he crawl??

This looked like a Dr. Suess factory to me. I don't even like Dr. Suess.

Chewy wasn't the only one to find the mud.

Horseshoe Crabs eating a baby.

A lonely, little piece of coral.

After frolicking in the mud and giving the dogs a bath,
Cathi treated us to Belgian waffles
topped with fresh fruit. Seriously yum.

Fernando found his twin!

The kids went beach combing.

Chewy hot-wired the car and dipped out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Pathetic!

I'm speechless. Enjoy.

Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it!

As if I'm not feeling old enough lately- looking back and realizing that the years will continue to pass whether I'm opposed to it or not, I got a phone call from my 7 year old niece Hannah to confirm that I'm indeed old as dirt:

Hannah: HI AUNT MARIKO!!!!

Mariko: Well hey sweetie! What's going on?

Hannah: I wanted to tell you something!

Mariko: Go right ahead baby- what is it?

Hannah: Um, I don't know what they're called but they used them like, you know, like a thoooouuuusand years ago!

Mariko: Used them for what?

Hannah: For music! You know, they're like a cd but they're not. It was like a thousand years ago, Aunt Mariko!

Mariko: *gulp* Are you talking about a record?

Hannah: YEAH! How'd you know?

Mariko: ................

Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to the Gun Show!

This past Sunday, we were fortunate to spend the day with friends and also attend a local gun show. It was held at the fair grounds and they send you through a small maze of signs pointing you this way and that as you enter. Once we walked in the door, there was a portly sheriff's deputy who asked if I was carrying any weapons or guns on me. Uh oh, I could feel it building up inside of me and I couldn't resist. Before I knew it, I proudly patted my biceps and replied, "Just these babies!" He was less than amused as the group all let out a simultaneous chuckle. Guess I wasn't the first. We continued to venture in and found ourselves staring at rows and rows of every gun known to man. It was seriously insane and I feel almost guilty for not being able to fully appreciate each and every one. I'm not a gun maniac. I know how to shoot them but that's about it.

Fernando and I agreed ahead of time that if we were to find a decent 22 handgun that was reasonably priced, we'd go ahead and purchase it. Halfway down the second row, I spotted a Ruger priced at $259.00. I was attracted to the price and when I asked the hick behind the table if I could see it, he quickly retorted with "Oh, you don't want that ugly ol' gun. Look here at this purty lil' pink one! You don't even have to aim it, just point that lil' ol' red dot and pull the trigger." What the hell did he just say to me? I insisted that I wasn't interested in a pink f'n gun. Who would take me seriously if I whipped out a pink gun?! He repeatedly told me it was "purty" and before I snapped, I looked at Fernando and he knew it was time to get me out of there.

Further down the row I did find one and he was well below other vendor's prices. It was a Walther (no lisp, folks) 22ppk. It felt really good in my hand
and was NOT PINK. I filled out my form that stated I wasn't a wasn't a former circus clown out with a vengeance, etc. etc. Did you know they ask you for your weight on those forms?? I'm guessing "Yeah Right!" was an acceptable answer since they never asked. So, I'll be picking up this bad boy on Thursday and giving the term "packing heat" a new definintion in our household vs. the old one which meant you were full of a stank that wouldn't wash off.

Pe-ow! Pe-ow! Bang! Bang!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

New Ring!

Fernando and I love to visit Apalachicola and look through all the little antique stores and novelty shops. During our last visit there, I found a ring that I absolutely fell in love with but the shop owner was so busy telling someone about his latest fishing adventure, he completely ignored me. I don't handle that well so off we went and I tried forgetting about that ring ever since. So two weeks ago I find myself in TJ Maxx (on a hunt for the hobo bag I missed out on a week prior) Cathi points out this ring in the jewelry case and EUREKA!!!! I love my new ring :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Sad Cow Disease

Winter finally decided to pay a visit this year. On my way home from work the other day, I stopped along the driveway (looooong driveway) to the house and met dad in the middle of the pasture as he was dripping faucets. The High's next to us have 50+ acres with cows and for the past 2 days they've been "moo-ing" out of control. After mentioning it to my father, he informed me that Mr. High had loaded up all the calves for auction and the mama cows were calling for their babies. Sigh.... hello tears.

Friday, January 9, 2009

LOLA EBOLA Strikes Again!

HOLY MOTHER!!!! I don't even know where to start on this one!

I greeted the dogs at the door today and walked in to find this:

This photo doesn't do it justice.

Gee, wonder what that is.. was?

Oh duh! My brand new Steve Maddens!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Poopie Pants

Hell yes! Oh, if that were only the case. Yesterday had to be one of the most disgusting days of my life. It's times like that when I think I'd be just fine without a dog. Tuesday night, Fernando and I were laying on the couch and Chewy was between us when I noticed his little tummy was making some huge rumbles. Like a good mommy, I rubbed his belly and coddled him. I thought it would be a good idea NOT to let him sleep in bed with us as usual, so I left him in his doggie bed in the living room with Lola Ebola. That's when the poop hit the fan.

I woke up the next morning to that "smell" ........ you know what I'm talking about- that stank nasty stench that sends chills down your back. Dog poop. Well, more like soup. It was everywhere. Really?! Chewy's face was pathetic and I knew he felt horrible, but not horrible enough after leaving Lola Ebola's water bowl drenched. I high fived him and got down to business. I decided to leave him in his crate (which he hasn't used in 2 years) just in case he wasn't quite through. Good thinking, Mari!

On my way home from work, I called Fernando who informed me that "the little one" was waiting outside on the porch because he stank so bad. Fantastic! I couldn't wait to get home and see my chocolate covered pooch. I don't think I've had to deal with a stench like that since the time I babysat a 2 year old with severe diarrhea. I digress. I carried Chewy's crate into the bathroom and sprayed as much room spray as I could and dumped him into the tub. Um, words can't describe. He looked like a turd-covered tramp. My life felt complete at that moment and I constantly had to remind myself of all the sweet times I've had with him- which almost wasn't enough, but it got me through it. Ta-da! The end. That sucked.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Fernando in the kitchen


Whew doggie! Fernando surprised me this morning when he announced that he would make our breakfast. 9 times out of 10 when he plans on cooking, I tell him to get out of the kitchen since he's a master mess maker but when it comes to his breakfast omelets, I'm game. He slices up one medium red potato, 1 stick of chorizo, green onions, bell pepper and fresh parmesan. He flips the entire thing out onto a plate which we've dubbed "the communal omelet." We grab a couple of forks, our coffee and voila! Breakfast is served.


Battle of the Infomercials!


HOLY MOSES I didn't think it was possible for me to detest anyone as much as the "Oxy Clean" guy, but he's got someone nipping at his heels. Have you seen the "Sham Wow" commercials? I feel so awkward every time they come on- I can't explain it. Seriously, when either of these screaming idiots appear on my television screen, it's all I can do to change the channel no matter what room I've wandered off to. I will NEVER purchase any item they endorse based on the sheer fact that I hate their faces. Here's a great example why:

I think I hate Billy Mays a fraction less after finding these video clips:

Nice Shootin, Tex!

( Fernando and Rob)

We brought the near year in with a bang- literally. Fernando was given a gun (Taurus PT145) for his birthday in September and has been begging me to accompany him to the shooting range ever since. I finally caved in with the help of some friends and tagged along with NO intentions of shooting any guns. The only gun I've ever been comfortable with is a 22- very light, no kick and no BANG! After much coercion, I approached the shooting bench. Cathi shoved a 9mm in my hand and simply said "shoot it." OK! I did. I liked it. I shot it again. And again. And again.....

(Cathi Badass!)

Fernando wanted me to shoot his 45 and I was plenty hesitant. The bullets looked like miniature cannons (from Super Mario Bros) and it was so freakin' loud. It took me a minute to muster up the courage to squeeze the trigger and BOOM!!!!!! No thanks. Once was enough for me. I could feel an explosion inside my chest when that thing went off- almost like being too close to those gigantic speakers at a rock concert. Not my cup o' tea. I must say, Fernando looked quite "hot" while shooting his 45.

(My honey)

(That's a big ol' gun ya got there, mister!)

(Awww, he's blushing)

( Ammo? Check! 45? Check! Ear plugs? Check! Protective eyewear? Check! Turquoise patent Nine West bag? Check!)

Our time at the range came to a close after a couple of hours and just in time for the ghetto fabulous boys to show up. Wow. That's a whole other blog in itself.