We brought the near year in with a bang- literally. Fernando was given a gun (Taurus PT145) for his birthday in September and has been begging me to accompany him to the shooting range ever since. I finally caved in with the help of some friends and tagged along with NO intentions of shooting any guns. The only gun I've ever been comfortable with is a 22- very light, no kick and no BANG! After much coercion, I approached the shooting bench. Cathi shoved a 9mm in my hand and simply said "shoot it." OK! I did. I liked it. I shot it again. And again. And again.....
Fernando wanted me to shoot his 45 and I was plenty hesitant. The bullets looked like miniature cannons (from Super Mario Bros) and it was so freakin' loud. It took me a minute to muster up the courage to squeeze the trigger and BOOM!!!!!! No thanks. Once was enough for me. I could feel an explosion inside my chest when that thing went off- almost like being too close to those gigantic speakers at a rock concert. Not my cup o' tea. I must say, Fernando looked quite "hot" while shooting his 45.
Our time at the range came to a close after a couple of hours and just in time for the ghetto fabulous boys to show up. Wow. That's a whole other blog in itself.
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