Sunday, February 8, 2009

Weekend at the Twisted Pine- 2009

We had the opportunity once again to enjoy a weekend at the heavenly Twisted Pine,
all thanks to my very gracious boss. My friend Cathi, her hus
band and two children were also able to join us which made for lots of fun. We brought our doggies and let them do a little exploring, but not too much because of all the recent bear activity in the area. To sum it all up, it was a weekend of laughter, food and fun for humans and dogs alike.

Low tide on Sunday morning offered lots of unexplored territory for me and Chewy!

This was delicious! Cathi brought chicken salad and these little crusty
garlic and herb slices that were amazing in your mouth. Mmm!

This is "Butters", Chewy's new friend!

Well Hello, Ladies.... my little Chewy Papa.

The fog was still a bit thick at 8am, but the exposed sandbars were too inviting to ignore.

Somebody found the mud- it was hilarious!

I found this cannonball jellyfish ( at least 15 inches across) in the middle of the sandbar.
Look at the top of the photo an
d you'll see a trail. Did he crawl??

This looked like a Dr. Suess factory to me. I don't even like Dr. Suess.

Chewy wasn't the only one to find the mud.

Horseshoe Crabs eating a baby.

A lonely, little piece of coral.

After frolicking in the mud and giving the dogs a bath,
Cathi treated us to Belgian waffles
topped with fresh fruit. Seriously yum.

Fernando found his twin!

The kids went beach combing.

Chewy hot-wired the car and dipped out.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere's Pathetic!

I'm speechless. Enjoy.

Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it!

As if I'm not feeling old enough lately- looking back and realizing that the years will continue to pass whether I'm opposed to it or not, I got a phone call from my 7 year old niece Hannah to confirm that I'm indeed old as dirt:

Hannah: HI AUNT MARIKO!!!!

Mariko: Well hey sweetie! What's going on?

Hannah: I wanted to tell you something!

Mariko: Go right ahead baby- what is it?

Hannah: Um, I don't know what they're called but they used them like, you know, like a thoooouuuusand years ago!

Mariko: Used them for what?

Hannah: For music! You know, they're like a cd but they're not. It was like a thousand years ago, Aunt Mariko!

Mariko: *gulp* Are you talking about a record?

Hannah: YEAH! How'd you know?

Mariko: ................