I found some pics from November 2000's trip to Chicago and Nauvoo. (Yes, I'm still scanning photos!) I had the opportunity to take a long weekend trip and until then, the only cities I had been to were DC, Atlanta, Miami and whatever may be in between. Chicago made me think of dark and dirty alleys, crackheads on park benches and the token prostitute at every corner. Little did I know.... it was the most beautiful city I have ever stepped foot in. It was amazing! I could have walked that entire city and not been tired. I guess I was so wrapped up trying to take everything in, that I forgot to get out my camera except for one time while waiting to cross the street. Random, I know. Seventeen? Really?
I got to visit the Sears Tower and various other Chicago landmarks. I also took the tour of Mar's Cheese Palace in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I don't even like cheese but when in Rome.... Ever wondered what the biggest mall in Wisconsin looks like? I found that out as well.

My favorite part of the entire trip, was the day spent in Nauvoo. I grew up LDS and though I may not be the best example, I have a deep connection and love for the history of the church and hardships that the early members had to endure. Nauvoo was almost like a wonderland for me. It took me back long before my time. It had a reverence about it and there wasn't a soul that I encountered who wasn't smiling or saying hello. I wanted to move there immediately but had to remind myself of my plans for SLC.

The first stop was in Carthage, IL to Carthage Jail where Joseph Smith was killed. My parents were converts to the church. I'm a first generation member and had always longed to be able to say my great-great-great grandparents travelled west and settled in the Great Salt Lake Valley. I felt that if I had that in my background, I'd feel more connected to the church. The thought never entered my mind that day as I felt an instant connection through the rich history provided. It was instantly real to me- not just stories I learned about every Sunday. Suddenly, it was real.

From there we drove to Nauvoo- nestled right on the Mississippi River, this small town was a paradise. The restored buildings from the days of Joseph Smith still stood and best of all, the Nauvoo Temple was being reconstructed. I wish we had timed it better- the following day, President Gordon B. Hinkley was to dedicate the corner stone. Just my luck. That didn't stop me from enjoying every detail about that day.

Fernando and I have the opportunity to go to Chicago this spring and I hope to be able to let him experience the beauty and reverence of Nauvoo, but most importantly, I want to make new memories with him.
I got to visit the Sears Tower and various other Chicago landmarks. I also took the tour of Mar's Cheese Palace in Kenosha, Wisconsin. I don't even like cheese but when in Rome.... Ever wondered what the biggest mall in Wisconsin looks like? I found that out as well.

My favorite part of the entire trip, was the day spent in Nauvoo. I grew up LDS and though I may not be the best example, I have a deep connection and love for the history of the church and hardships that the early members had to endure. Nauvoo was almost like a wonderland for me. It took me back long before my time. It had a reverence about it and there wasn't a soul that I encountered who wasn't smiling or saying hello. I wanted to move there immediately but had to remind myself of my plans for SLC.

The first stop was in Carthage, IL to Carthage Jail where Joseph Smith was killed. My parents were converts to the church. I'm a first generation member and had always longed to be able to say my great-great-great grandparents travelled west and settled in the Great Salt Lake Valley. I felt that if I had that in my background, I'd feel more connected to the church. The thought never entered my mind that day as I felt an instant connection through the rich history provided. It was instantly real to me- not just stories I learned about every Sunday. Suddenly, it was real.

From there we drove to Nauvoo- nestled right on the Mississippi River, this small town was a paradise. The restored buildings from the days of Joseph Smith still stood and best of all, the Nauvoo Temple was being reconstructed. I wish we had timed it better- the following day, President Gordon B. Hinkley was to dedicate the corner stone. Just my luck. That didn't stop me from enjoying every detail about that day.

Fernando and I have the opportunity to go to Chicago this spring and I hope to be able to let him experience the beauty and reverence of Nauvoo, but most importantly, I want to make new memories with him.
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