No, I'm not referring to the movie ( which is awesome by the way.) Fernando and I were able to sneak away the night of our 2nd Anniversary. I surprised him with a fantastic room at the Bayfront Marin House in St. Augustine.
We stayed in "The Coquina Suite" that still had some of the original coquina shell walls from 1790! Our favorite amenity was the spa tub, which Fernando promptly began to prepare two minutes into our arrival. I love that man. I had room service provide chilled champagne and chocolate covered strawberries that were to die for. The room decor was definitely romantic and everything was perfect.

Just down the street from our B&B was O.C. White's- amazing atmosphere and food! That quickly became our restaurant of choice with the best Mojitos I've ever had. It was late May which, to any Floridian immediately translates to "hot and humid." You would never have guessed it as we sat outside in the courtyard surrounded by blooming jasmine arbors. With every breeze, a fresh snowfall of jasmine blooms would scatter across our table- it was heavenly! Should you ever venture to O.C. White's, I strongly suggest trying the Kauai Mahi. You can thank me later.
We took a walk along the bay wall after dinner and watched the sun set on the water. There's no such thing as an ugly sunset no matter the location. We attempted to take a photo o

f ourselves- as usual, but I'm afraid it's the best we could do after those mojitos! Fernando and I have a fascination with the paranormal. I LOVE watching Paranormal State and TAPS only because we both have had first-hand experiences ourselves. This being said, I had purchased tickets for the Haunted Trolley Tour that evening. Wow... we probably should have saved our money but it was an experience to say the least. We were packed onto a rickety, Halloween-decor trolley and swooshed around the city at various stops where students from Flagler dressed in period costumes and donning appropriate accents would tell us the tales of ghosts and hauntings at each stop. After the hour and a half long show, we decided to retire for the evening and I'll fast forward to the next day for all intents and purposes.

We awoke the next morning to find a beautiful breakfast provided under the shade of the gazebo with a perfect view of the water and early sail boaters. We finished our coffee and decided it was time to walk off our meal. We strolled along the sidewalks which lead downtown to the art galleries and various novelty shops. I am a complete sucker for novelty shops! I love to browse and if I find something I can't live without, it quickly becomes mine. This trip was only Fernando's second time in historical downtown, but I've been there countless times and cease to be amused and entertained. I absolutely love the history of this city and the rows and rows of endless shops and attractions. As we were walking past several amazing art galleries, we came up

to Potter's Wax Museum. We decided to pay our $16 and have a look. While it was no Madam Tussauds, we were still entertained, I probably more so because of the fantastic photo opps of Fernando with the figurines... for example:
During our trip to the mountains for our 1st anniversary, we decided to begin the tradition of purchasing a piece of art each year. (I'll be sure to blog about our trip to the mountains later!) This year we came across this exquisite shop called the Silver Feather. We fell in love with the pottery, but to be kind to our bank account, we ended up purchasing a smaller example of Navajo Etched Pottery. Our pot looks very similar to this one:

Sadly, due to work schedules, our short getaway had to come to an end but not before sipping down another glorious mojito while sitting under the jasmine arbor at O.C. White's.
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