Thursday, January 8, 2009

Poopie Pants

Hell yes! Oh, if that were only the case. Yesterday had to be one of the most disgusting days of my life. It's times like that when I think I'd be just fine without a dog. Tuesday night, Fernando and I were laying on the couch and Chewy was between us when I noticed his little tummy was making some huge rumbles. Like a good mommy, I rubbed his belly and coddled him. I thought it would be a good idea NOT to let him sleep in bed with us as usual, so I left him in his doggie bed in the living room with Lola Ebola. That's when the poop hit the fan.

I woke up the next morning to that "smell" ........ you know what I'm talking about- that stank nasty stench that sends chills down your back. Dog poop. Well, more like soup. It was everywhere. Really?! Chewy's face was pathetic and I knew he felt horrible, but not horrible enough after leaving Lola Ebola's water bowl drenched. I high fived him and got down to business. I decided to leave him in his crate (which he hasn't used in 2 years) just in case he wasn't quite through. Good thinking, Mari!

On my way home from work, I called Fernando who informed me that "the little one" was waiting outside on the porch because he stank so bad. Fantastic! I couldn't wait to get home and see my chocolate covered pooch. I don't think I've had to deal with a stench like that since the time I babysat a 2 year old with severe diarrhea. I digress. I carried Chewy's crate into the bathroom and sprayed as much room spray as I could and dumped him into the tub. Um, words can't describe. He looked like a turd-covered tramp. My life felt complete at that moment and I constantly had to remind myself of all the sweet times I've had with him- which almost wasn't enough, but it got me through it. Ta-da! The end. That sucked.